1月 本部道場稽古始
2月 日本古武道演武大会(日本武道館)
4月 浅草古武道振興会演武大会
4~5月 スロバキアセミナー
8月 勝浦合宿及び本部演武大会
10月 鹿島神宮奉納古武道大会
11月 明治神宮演武大会
11月 国内合同稽古
12月 本部道場稽古納め
大東流合気柔術本部長 近藤 昌之
大東流合気柔術本部長補佐 長谷川 すみ枝
支部長 盛田 英世
As we start our third year of Covid I’m very hopeful that this will be the year that we can get this pandemic under control.
However in times of great adversity, new ways of overcoming are discovered. And thanks to the great leadership of our Somucho and Hombucho along with the help of many others a new way to keep improving out training was created, online Zoom Training.
Through many lockdowns Daitoryu training has continued. Let us continue to train and explore this wonderful art online and on the mats, until we can all train together on the mats again.
Jose Garrison
Dear Daito Ryu family!
Seasons greetings from the upside land down under. I truly hope you are all fit and well. We have all endured a lot of changes and challenges since we last met. I know we all miss seeing each other and I gain strength from remembering all our good times training and improving ourselves together. I miss seeing all your smiling faces and feeling your strong spirit. I sincerely look forward to seeing all of you again one day soon. Please stay strong for 2022 whatever it may bring. In the meantime I am sending you lots of sunshine from Australia.
Lots of love
Rachael and Team Australia
Dear Daito-ryu brothers and sisters,
On behalf of the small group of Swiss Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu members, we would like to wish every one of you a very happy new year,
full of joy, happiness, success, and needless to say training sessions and sweat !
We are all looking forward to get back to a more normal world and be able to meet each of you in person, in Japan or elsewhere.
Stay safe
Pascal Badan /Selahattin (Selo) Ak
On behalf of the Daito-Ryu Aikijujitsu branch of Malta, I would like to extend the wishes for a prosperous 2022 in body, mind and spirit. May we have an opportunity to achieve normality through collective effort and cooperation. Keeping in mind that struggles can be overcome on step at a time, we can ensure continuity and long-term success.
Interpreting the teachings received in the dojo to everyday situations creates an appropriate mindset which helps to overcome daily hardships and stressors.
May 2022 bring new inspirations and positive challenges to everyone.
Thank you and best regards
Roderick Galea
・ 既に連絡しておりますとおり、2021年分の本部会費は2020年分に引き続き半額となります。納入方法については、原則としてクレジットカード払いでお願いいたします。クレジットカード払いの方法について本年3月までに各支部長・スタディグループ長宛に連絡いたします。